TRIBUNAL DO JÚRI: Um termômetro da violência e justiça Brasileira
TRIBUNAL DO JÚRI: Um termômetro da violência e justiça Brasileira
Palavras-chave: Tribunal do Júri; eficiência; Lei 11.689/08; Pacote Anticrime.
Keywords: Jury Tribunal; efficiency; Law 11.689/08; Anti-Crime Package.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the Jury Tribunal in Brazil, highlighting its historical and contemporary importance. The study addresses the origin of the Jury Tribunal from Ancient Rome to its implementation in Brazil, passing through Greece, England, and the United States. It explores the constitutional principles that govern the Jury Tribunal in Brazil, such as the plenitude of defense, the secrecy of votes, the sovereignty of verdicts, and the competence to judge intentional crimes against life. Also discusses the innovations brought by Law 11.689/08, which introduced the unified hearing and the direct questioning of witnesses, and by Law 13.964/19 (Anti-Crime Package), which brought the possibility of audiovisual recording of testimonies and the review of decisions by the Court of Justice. Additionally, it presents statistical data on the effectiveness of the Jury Tribunal in Brazil, highlighting the National Jury Week and the National Jury Month, which aim to accelerate the trials of intentional crimes against life. It concludes that, despite its importance, the Jury Tribunal faces significant challenges, such as the slowness of trials and the accumulation of pending cases, suggesting the need for new measures to improve its efficiency.
- Hélder Vitorino de Souza
- Anthony Henrique Ferreira Viana
- Denesmar Gomes Pimenta
- Rita Girão Guimarães
- Cristina dos Santos Almeida
- Gustavo Nascimento Almeida