Tratamento farmacológico do Delirium Tremens: uma revisão narrativa
Tratamento farmacológico do Delirium Tremens: uma revisão narrativa
Palavras-chave: Abstinência alcoólica. Farmacoterapia. Síndrome de abstinência.
Keywords: Alcohol withdrawal. Pharmacotherapy. Withdrawal syndrome.
Abstract: The issue of excessive alcohol consumption and its effects on mental health, particularly Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) and Delirium Tremens (DT), is a worldwide concern. This study aimed to review the main contemporary recommendations and practices in the pharmacological treatment of DT. Utilizing the keywords "Delirium Tremens", "Alcohol withdrawal", “Treatment”, and “Management”, a narrative review of the scientific literature was conducted in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and MEDLINE (PubMed), including articles published in the last ten years (2014-2023). The main findings suggest that benzodiazepines, such as diazepam and lorazepam, are consistently pointed out as the first-choice treatment for DT symptoms. However, the abuse potential of these substances motivates the search for alternatives, such as gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, carbamazepine, barbiturates, and haloperidol. In cases where high doses of benzodiazepines have no effect or when there is resistance to treatment, the addition of drugs such as antipsychotics, propofol, or barbiturates is proposed. Based on preliminary analyses, results also direct toward the effectiveness and safety of combining dexmedetomidine and magnesium sulfate, promising therapeutic options, in reducing the duration of DT symptoms. This study emphasizes the need for more future research on the topic, to refine the clinical approach in managing DT.
- Pedro Josefino Custódio de Araújo
- Joel Ribamar de Freitas Lunguinho
- Millena Alves Coelho
- Rosa Maria Dias Dourado
- Gabriel Rosa Leão
- Mariano Lucas da Silva Gomes
- Lucas Baltazar Adamoglu de Mendonça
- Sthefany Macedo Lopo
- Gabriel Jhomilson Rodrigues Coelho
- Paulo Victor Dias
- Fernanda Chaveiro da Silva
- Cynara Monteiro Corrêa