Tratamento e Prevenção da Pré-Eclâmpsia, revisão integrativa, para construção de uma prática baseada em evidências
Tratamento e Prevenção da Pré-Eclâmpsia, revisão integrativa, para construção de uma prática baseada em evidências
Palavras-chave: Pré eclâmpsia, Síndromes hipertensivas, Proteinúria materna, Mortalidade materna-infantil
Keywords: Pre-eclampsia, Hypertensive syndromes, Maternal proteinuria, Maternal and child mortality
Abstract: Objective: Through this integrative, exploratory review of bibliographies, the aim is to bring the treatment and prevention of pre-eclampsia into discussion, outline concepts on the topic and enable the construction of a practice with evidence. Methodology: In this study, an integrative literature review was used based on the framework of Mendes, Silveira and Galvão. Results: Of the 26 studies analyzed, 34.6% used aspirin as a therapeutic resource; 3.8% plasma soluble endoglin; 3.8% low molecular weight heparin; 3.8% pravastatin; 3.8% treatment of anemia. There is disagreement regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine, where 7.7% added benefits to its use and 3.8% disagreed. There is a disparity regarding the prescription of magnesium sulfate, with 7.7% opportune use and 3.8% dismal results; multivitamins with low evidence of 3.8%. Conclusion: Screening in the first trimester proved to be better combined with treatment and prevention, however the use of aspirin was prevalent among studies, as the most used medication in the treatment of pre-eclampsia. It was possible to note the need for additional studies in relation to pre-eclampsia to conclusively establish in relation to incident therapies, seeking to mitigate the disparity in methods and construction of tools to support practice with evidence.
- Larissa do Nascimento Souza
- Amanda de Moura Cordeiro
- Anderson Medeiros Filho
- Emílio Conceição de Siqueira