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Tratamento cirúrgico de odontoma complexo em mandíbula com auxílio de motor ultrassônico

Conventional surgical techniques are effective and consecrated in cases of removal odontoma, however, the damage to soft tissues, neurovascular bundle and the swelling that occurs on postoperative are undesirable situations. Thus, the use of the piezosurgery is an alternative, due it works by ultrasonic vibrations selecting areas to cut through bone without harming soft tissues and providing a sensible use in osteotomy, especially in vulnerable anatomic regions. Therefore, we reported a case with compound odontoma positioned on the lingual side, close to important structures, emphasizing the noninvasive clinical approach with the use of piezosurgery.  In this way, the use of piezosurgery on surgical procedures is and effective technique, besides avoid some damages to adjacent structures surround the surgical area.

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Tratamento cirúrgico de odontoma complexo em mandíbula com auxílio de motor ultrassônico

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.20221300322

  • Palavras-chave: piezocirurgia, odontoma, tumores odontogênicos

  • Keywords: piezocirurgia, odontoma, tumores odontogênicos

  • Abstract:

    Conventional surgical techniques are effective and consecrated in cases of removal odontoma, however, the damage to soft tissues, neurovascular bundle and the swelling that occurs on postoperative are undesirable situations. Thus, the use of the piezosurgery is an alternative, due it works by ultrasonic vibrations selecting areas to cut through bone without harming soft tissues and providing a sensible use in osteotomy, especially in vulnerable anatomic regions. Therefore, we reported a case with compound odontoma positioned on the lingual side, close to important structures, emphasizing the noninvasive clinical approach with the use of piezosurgery.  In this way, the use of piezosurgery on surgical procedures is and effective technique, besides avoid some damages to adjacent structures surround the surgical area.

  • Número de páginas: 1

  • Cecília Alves de Sousa
  • Valthierre Nunes de Lima
  • João Paulo Bonardi
  • Juliana Zorzi Colete
  • Daniela Ponzoni
  • Leonardo Perez Faverani
  • Gustavo Antonio Correa Momesso
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