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Toward A Conceptual Framework Of Technology Adoption: Factors Impacting The Acceptance Of The Mobile Technology In The International Business Growth


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Toward A Conceptual Framework Of Technology Adoption: Factors Impacting The Acceptance Of The Mobile Technology In The International Business Growth

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.32722201011

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Information Systems in Organization, Information Technology Adoption, International Business, Mobile Technology, Mobile Devices

  • Abstract:

    This paper reviews a research conducted on mobile technology adoption in the international business trade. Accordingly factors were adopted from the framework technology-organization-environment (TOE) with a set of future research proposals in order to support the suggested model. The paper recommends seven (7) implementation factors that may determine the decision for adopting mobile technology in the international business. These factors have been categorized into the three dimensions of the TOE framework: external task & environment, organizational and technological. The results of the investigation revealed that the modern technology supports the efficiency of the business, reduce the internal process consuming time and increase communication. On the other hand, supports the integration in the long-distance relations.

  • Rafael Padilla Vega
  • Cynthia Sénquiz-Díaz
  • Angel Ojeda
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