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capa do ebook The role of fathers in successful child development.

The role of fathers in successful child development.

Transformations in family, work, and gender patterns have reshaped children’s experience of growing up in families.   As mothers develop  stronger  ties  to  paid  work  and  adult partnerships  become  more  fluid,  more children  are  being  reared  in families more varied  than  the “traditional” single  earner,  two-parent  householdThe increase in single mother households makes studies of fathers’ absence on child outcomes more necessary. The literature suggests that fathers make unique, important contributions to children´s positive development. The functional role of fathers in effective discipline, role modelling, increased human and financial resources, and reduced maternal and child stress, all contribute to more positive child development. High-quality interaction by any type of father predicts better infant health. Unfortunately, unless special methods are used to attract their participation, fathers spend less time with their children and are less likely to engage in family therapy, family skills or parent training classes. To aid mental health and social professionals who encounter widely variable father involvement, this manuscript summarizes the literature on the impacts of father involvement in the lives of children. In addition, useful fatherhood resources are described.

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The role of fathers in successful child development.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1832017063

  • Palavras-chave: pai, desenvolvimento, criança, familia

  • Keywords: father, development, child, family

  • Abstract:

    Transformations in family, work, and gender patterns have reshaped children’s experience of growing up in families.   As mothers develop  stronger  ties  to  paid  work  and  adult partnerships  become  more  fluid,  more children  are  being  reared  in families more varied  than  the “traditional” single  earner,  two-parent  household. The increase in single mother households makes studies of fathers’ absence on child outcomes more necessary. The literature suggests that fathers make unique, important contributions to children´s positive development. The functional role of fathers in effective discipline, role modelling, increased human and financial resources, and reduced maternal and child stress, all contribute to more positive child development. High-quality interaction by any type of father predicts better infant health. Unfortunately, unless special methods are used to attract their participation, fathers spend less time with their children and are less likely to engage in family therapy, family skills or parent training classes. To aid mental health and social professionals who encounter widely variable father involvement, this manuscript summarizes the literature on the impacts of father involvement in the lives of children. In addition, useful fatherhood resources are described.


  • Número de páginas: 25

  • Karol Kumpfer
  • Margarida Gaspar de Matos
  • Bruno Carraça
  • Cátia Magalhães
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