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capa do ebook The environment and its social representation: relationship and interface with health, opposing the medicalization of the health process.

The environment and its social representation: relationship and interface with health, opposing the medicalization of the health process.

A representação social do meio ambiente é definida como a percepção das relações que ocorrem entre os elementos naturais e sociais presentes no meio. Tal fenômeno contribui para a construção de processos transformam o meio naturalmente construído, trazendo mudanças que podem afetar a saúde dos indivíduos. Este estudo objetiva a discussão sobre a relação de causalidade entre saúde e meio ambiente dentro da modernidade e suas variáveis.



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The environment and its social representation: relationship and interface with health, opposing the medicalization of the health process.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.23820280921

  • Palavras-chave: meio ambiente, promoção a saúde, representação social, medicalização

  • Keywords: environment, health promotion, social representation, medicalization

  • Abstract:

    The social representation of the environment is defined as the perception of relations that occur between the natural and social elements in the environment.  This phenomenon contributes to the construction process transforms a naturally built, bringing changes that may affect the health of individuals. This study aims to discuss the causal relationship between health and the environment within modernity and their variables.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Sabrina Martins da Rosa
  • Aline Mirian Paszcuk
  • Suellen Zucco Bez
  • Jaqueline Tenfen
  • Elviane Basso de Moura
  • Luciana Ferreira Karsten
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