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The conceptual development of the Agile Governance Theory


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The conceptual development of the Agile Governance Theory

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.02919190312

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: Information Systems, Agile Governance, IT Management, Project Management, Software Engineering.

  • Abstract:


    is the key to a sustainable development

    and it demands agility at the business and

    organizational levels, which in turn requires a

    flexible and customizable IT environment and

    effective and responsive governance in order to

    deliver value to the business. Objective: This

    paper describes the conceptual development

    of a theory to analyzing and describe agile

    governance in order to increase the success

    rate of their practice, achieving organizational

    performance and business competitiveness.

    Method: We adopt a multi-method research,

    framing the theory’s conceptual development

    using Dubin’s method of theory building.

    Results: We have developed a conceptual

    framework of the theory encompassing its

    constructs, laws of interaction, boundaries and

    system states. Conclusion: This theory can

    1 Purchasing power parity (IMF, 2012).

    provide a better understanding of the essence of

    agile governance, by mapping of its constructs,

    mediators, moderators and disturbing factors, in

    order to help organizations reach better results.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Philippe Kruchten
  • Hermano P. de Moura
  • Alexandre José Henrique de Oliveira Luna
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