Artigo - Atena Editora


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Analysis of β-Lactamase Proteins Through Computational Chemistry Techniques

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Analysis of β-Lactamase Proteins Through Computational Chemistry Techniques

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  • Abstract: Given the substantial implications of bacterial resistance for public health, it is imperative to comprehensively understand the mechanisms driving this resistance. Our aim is to undertake a taxonomical exploration of bacterial β-lactamases, with the goal of establishing a novel classification framework rooted in their molecular makeup, divergent from existing approaches. We developed a phylogenetic tree of clinically relevant bacterial β-lactamases utilizing their molecular sequences, subsequently generating a cladogram to unravel the distinctive traits of the various families and subfamilies.

  • Tejeda-Rosales, María Elena
  • Sánchez-Tejeda, Manuel Guillermo
  • Sánchez-Tejeda, Juan Francisco
  • Sánchez-Ruiz, Juan Francisco
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