Subjetividade e outras formas de escrita do eu na cena contemporânea
Subjetividade e outras formas de escrita do eu na cena contemporânea
Palavras-chave: Subjetividade, escrita de si, cena performativa, transdisciplinaridade.
Keywords: Subjectivity, self-writing, performative scene, transdisciplinarity.
Abstract: This text aims to reflect on the issue of subjectivity and self-writing in the performative scene based on three contemporary thinkers and, thus, to perceive subjectivation as a rhizome establishing new agencies in an intertextual and transdisciplinary way. It also seeks to reflect on new performative forms, such as the lecture-performance, and the epistemologies that arise from the experiences narrated in a society that is always changing. Self-writing, as well as the autofictional scene, becomes an important theme to be worked on in the field of arts, culture and education.
- Andrea Stelzer