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Solutions to support and rehabilitate older adults: Scoping Review

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Solutions to support and rehabilitate older adults: Scoping Review

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: frailty, serious games, elderly people, motion capture

  • Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this review is to examine existing options for software and hybrid solutions designed to support and rehabilitate older adults. Methods: Scoping review based on Prisma Methodology and comparative analysis. The authors took articles from 6 major scientific databases: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), IEEE Database, DBLP, Google Scholar, PubMed Database and SCOPUS, published in the last 6 years, from 2018 to 2023. For each article, a specific list of parameters was compiled to describe each of the solutions from a technical/software and functional perspective. Results: Final analysis of 38 articles with a target audience of older adults over age 50. During this analysis and comparison of the solutions presented, it was found that the most frequent research in the field of rehabilitation and support for older people is conducted in Western and Central Europe, China, North, as well as some South American countries, where the percentage of older people is quite high. It was also found that in the last two years there has been an increase in the activity of these studies compared to previous years. Conclusions: In general, the use of this kind of rehabilitation systems demonstrates a rather high degree of effectiveness, which contributes to an increasing spread in the medical field. Although such systems are still used primarily to maintain physical activity, they still have a high potential to become an instrument of socialization of the older generation in the modern information world.

  • S. Shapoval
  • A. Méndez-Zorrilla
  • Yevgen Sokol
  • B. García-Zapirain
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