Soluções Irrigadoras na Endodontia - Revisão de Literatura
Soluções Irrigadoras na Endodontia - Revisão de Literatura
Palavras-chave: Soluções Irrigadoras; Endodontia; Desinfecção.
Keywords: Irrigating Solutions; Endodontics; Disinfection.
Abstract: Endodontics plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health, focusing on the precise preparation of root canals to treat dental pulp infections. In this context, irrigating solutions are essential to achieve effective disinfection, along with proper root canal preparation using techniques of mechanical instrumentation and intracanal medication. This study constitutes a comprehensive literature review that explores the practices, indications, types, and potential complications associated with the use of irrigating solutions in endodontics. It particularly emphasizes common solutions such as sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and EDTA, highlighting their specific characteristics and clinical applicability. The integrative literature review was conducted through a comprehensive analysis of various sources, including PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar, and Lilacs, along with references in endodontic materials. The study addresses the efficacy, safety, and impact of these agents in the context of contemporary endodontics, providing a deeper understanding of irrigation practices and their clinical implications. In summary, this study underscores the importance of combining various solutions in a specific sequence to achieve effective and safe irrigation, offering valuable insights for clinical practice and promoting a broader understanding of best practices in using these agents to ensure successful clinical outcomes and the continuous improvement of endodontic irrigation techniques.
- Eduardo Fontes Frois Mendonça de Oliveira
- Antônio Marcio Resende do Carmo
- Flavio Narciso Carvalho
- Renata Paula Guerra de Mello
- Pamella Carolina de Sousa Pacheco Carvalho
- Érika Mageste De Almeida Candido
- André Guimarães Machado
- Maria Eduarda Finoti Alberice
- Marcos Henrique De Castro E Souza