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Software solutions for financial literacy: a mapping study



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Software solutions for financial literacy: a mapping study

  • Palavras-chave: Palavras-chave

  • Keywords: Financial Literacy, Software, Games, Artificial Intelligence, Systematic Review.

  • Abstract:

     This work focuses on the software solutions utilized for initial financial literacy, which was delimited in subjects such as self-motivation, budget planning, consumption habits, debt management and savings. Using a procedure for development of systematic reviews of literature, the survey got papers with software intended for these uses and after the selection based on inclusion and exclusion criteria made use of 18 selected. Research questions were used to find out about the platforms used, the target audience and the software approach used (here separated between games and applications) and using artificial intelligence and gamification tools. According to the proposal, were found 108 papers, so that 81 were unique (not repeated). These papers were clustered into three distinct groups and showed that most of the papers present solutions for mobile devices focused on teens and adult users (above 12 years old). And its concluded that the development of this solutions are focused on mobile application for adults use according some indicators as demonstrated.

  • Número de páginas: 10

  • Rafael Marin Machado de Souza
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