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Smart cities, Smart factories y Smart ports en las provincias chinas de Guangdong y Hainan: Oportunidades para las empresas extranjeras


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Smart cities, Smart factories y Smart ports en las provincias chinas de Guangdong y Hainan: Oportunidades para las empresas extranjeras

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.32722201014

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Chinese market; Energy and industry 4.0; smart cities, smart ports and smart factories; clusters or sectorial associations; energy companies from the Valen-cia Region (Spain); Public Private partnerships.

  • Abstract:

    This report focuses on the Chinese province of Guandong, analyzing the business opportunities for foreign companies in the investment areas of smart cities, smart factories and smart ports. When analyzing the opportunities in smart ports, other Chinese provinces with greater potential are explored, concluding the convenience of the province of Hainan specially for promoting projects in smart ports.

    The introduction includes necessary information on the Chinese concept of smart cities as well as aspects related to its legislation and examples of other European companies that have participated in some of these Chinese projects. The following points study the specific opportunities for smart cities, smart factories and smart ports. In these three areas, the opportunities that exist for this Chinese province mentioned have been analyzed. Our project will focus for Guangdong province on smart cities and smart factories, since opportunities for smart ports are identified in other Chinese provinces such as Hainan. We understand that it is important to detail the capabilities of the Valencian companies interested in that market access. We also analyze their greater chances of success in this market as members of the energy cluster (Irún et al, 2021), in each of these specific areas for a better understanding of the Chinese counterpart, whether Chinese public institutions or private companies, and how they can establish agreements aimed at cooperation and participation in Chinese projects that are already underway or those that are already contemplated to be executed within their 2021-2025 five-year plan. China is a political economy, therefore foreign companies that know the political plans of the country and know how to understand its priorities will have an advantage, being able to achieve better results in their access to the market. With this objective of knowing better the plans of the Government in these two provinces, this study has been carried out. Thus, companies located in the Valencia Region have as much information as possible about this market before beginning the following phases, where participation in forums will allow some of the companies to make a presentation of their capabilities in order to explain their advantages and reasons for accessing potential Chinese projects for development of smart cities, industry or ports.

    For European companies seeking access to the Chinese market, either the search for partners for the development of projects and implementation of their technology or the search for partners that are financially involved in the company is key. The Chinese market is highly dynamic, opportunities arise every moment and some that seemed to be so also fall. New opportunities are also opening up for green hydrogen in the energy sector in China. For this reason, it is key to have a permanent presence in the market that allows access to all this information. Another very important trait of Chinese culture is that they highly value relationships and the time they are cultivated. With the participation in these institutional programs led by sectoral associations or clusters, we conclude that we have access to this live and changing information, and also thanks to the technologies that allow us to be in contact with potential Chinese clients, partners or collaborators of our companies located in the Valencia Region (Spain). We are planting crops in such a way that when mobility can be recovered, our companies are in a clear position of advantage over other companies that have neglected the market during this time.

  • Beatriz Irún Molina
  • Paloma Moya
  • Diego Monferrer
  • Miguel Angel Moliner
  • Enrique Bayonne
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