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Slow-release fertilizer from a rock containing glauconite by thermal processing with additives


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Slow-release fertilizer from a rock containing glauconite by thermal processing with additives

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.01719091017

  • Palavras-chave: ATENA

  • Keywords: potassium; slow release fertilizer; thermal processing; glauconite.

  • Abstract:

    Glauconite is a monoclinic mineral,

    of green color, a potassium and iron hydrated

    phyllosilicate. It is an alternative source of

    potassium, but still not being commercially

    exploited in a large scale for this purpose, due

    to the lack commercial technology that makes

    the business economically viable. This work

    investigated the dissolution of potassium in a

    solution of citric acid 2% (m/m) after thermal and

    chemical processing, with additives (CaCO3,

    MgCl2.6H2O), of a rock containing glauconite at

    six temperatures: 660°C, 700°C, 740°C, 780°C,

    820°C and 860°C, 60 minutes and granulometry

    smaller than 0.15mm. The mass ratio (rock,

    CaCO3, MgCl2.6H2O) was: (1.0: 0.2: 0.3). A

    rock containing glauconite with a content of

    11.9% K2O and 58% glauconite was selected.

    The potassium extraction was evaluated by

    extraction in 2% citric acid solution (m/m) at

    95°C for 15 minutes and in water at 90°C. The

    solubility in water was 21% (770°C) and in

    citric acid the highest potassium extraction was

    78% at the temperature of 770°C. The curve

    passes over a maximum (770°C), showing that

    there is a limit to the temperature in the thermal

    processing. Above this value, there is a drop in

    the extraction indicating different mechanism

    of reaction between the rock and additives.

    By considering that in water, the solubility of

    potassium was 4 times lower than in citric acid,

    it can be concluded that the thermal processing

    makes Verdete ore a potential alternative source of potassium for the production of

    slow release fertilizer.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Emily Mayer de Andrade Becheleni
  • Marta Ribeiro dos Santos Gomes
  • Sônia Denise Ferreira Rocha
  • Antonio Clareti Pereira
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