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Introducción: El Asma es una Enfermedad Crónica No Transmisible (ECNT) y un problema de Salud Pública considerable. Según la OMS, a 2016 había 339 millones de personas con Asma en todo el mundo. La importancia de la enfermedad radica en su cronicidad, su impacto en la calidad de vida de las personas y la afectación de poblaciones susceptibles como los niños. El principal factor de riesgo de la enfermedad son las sustancias o partículas inhaladas y dentro de ellas están las asociadas a la contaminación del aire. Objetivo: Desarrollar una propuesta de sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para ECNT “Asma por contaminación atmosférica”. Metodología: Para el desarrollo de la propuesta fue tenido en cuenta como marco normativo el Decreto 3518 de 2006, el cual reglamenta y establece en Colombia el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (SIVIGILA). Se utilizó además la Guía metodológica del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social (MSPS) para el desarrollo de protocolos de vigilancia de Eventos de Interés en Salud Pública (EISP). Finalmente se sometió la propuesta a un proceso inicial de validación de contenido por parte de expertos en epidemiología ambiental o en el desenlace evaluado. Resultados: La propuesta estructurada contiene apartados tales como la justificación para la vigilancia del evento, las fuentes potenciales de los datos para la vigilancia, la periodicidad de la notificación, las estrategias de vigilancia sugeridas, entre otros. Se estableció como definición principal operativa del caso la siguiente: “Toda persona que presente dos o más de los siguientes signos o síntomas:

Introduction: Asthma is a Chronic Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) and a considerable Public Health problem. According to WHO in 2016 there were around 339 million people with Asthma worldwide. The importance of the disease lies in its chronicity, its impact on people’s quality of life and the affectation of susceptible populations such as children. The main risk factors for this disease are inhaled substances or particles, and among them are those associated with air pollution. Objective: The project aimed to develop a proposal for an epidemiological surveillance system for NCD "Asthma due to air pollution". Materials and Methods: The proposal was developed in accordance with Decree 3518 of 2006, which regulates and establishes the Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) in Colombia. Likewise, the methodological guide of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS) to develop surveillance protocols for Events of Interest in Public Health (EISP) was also used. In addition, the proposal was submitted to an initial content validation process by experts in environmental epidemiology or the outcome evaluated. Results: The presented proposal contains sections such as the justification for the surveillance of the event, the potential sources of the data for the surveillance, the periodicity of the notification, the suggested surveillance strategies, among others. The main operational definition of the case was established as the following: “Any person who presents two or more of the following signs or symptoms: recurrent wheezing, cough, dyspnea, chest pressure, which worsens during the night, who consulted for external consultation or emergencies and that he had remained in an area more exposed to criteria atmospheric pollutants for at least seven days prior to the onset of symptoms”. Conclusion and final considerations: Within the development of the proposal, it was identified as a limitation that both the evaluated outcome (EISP) and the exposure have wide variability and therefore their measurement is complex. However, this relatively novel proposal would allow the development of individual or collective actions for the benefit of populations at risk

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1442328031

  • Palavras-chave: Asma. Signos y síntomas. Contaminación del aire. Vigilancia de Guardia. Vigilancia en Salud Pública.

  • Keywords: Asthma; Signs and symptoms; Air pollution; Sentinel Surveillance; Public Health Surveillance.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Asthma is a Chronic Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) and a considerable Public Health problem. According to WHO in 2016 there were around 339 million people with Asthma worldwide. The importance of the disease lies in its chronicity, its impact on people’s quality of life and the affectation of susceptible populations such as children. The main risk factors for this disease are inhaled substances or particles, and among them are those associated with air pollution. Objective: The project aimed to develop a proposal for an epidemiological surveillance system for NCD "Asthma due to air pollution". Materials and Methods: The proposal was developed in accordance with Decree 3518 of 2006, which regulates and establishes the Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) in Colombia. Likewise, the methodological guide of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS) to develop surveillance protocols for Events of Interest in Public Health (EISP) was also used. In addition, the proposal was submitted to an initial content validation process by experts in environmental epidemiology or the outcome evaluated. Results: The presented proposal contains sections such as the justification for the surveillance of the event, the potential sources of the data for the surveillance, the periodicity of the notification, the suggested surveillance strategies, among others. The main operational definition of the case was established as the following: “Any person who presents two or more of the following signs or symptoms: recurrent

    wheezing, cough, dyspnea, chest pressure, which worsens during the night, who consulted for external consultation or emergencies and that he had remained in an area more exposed to criteria atmospheric pollutants for at least seven days prior to the onset of symptoms”. Conclusion and final considerations: Within the development of the proposal, it was identified as a limitation that both the evaluated outcome (EISP) and the exposure have wide variability and therefore their measurement is complex. However, this relatively novel proposal would allow the development of individual or collective actions for the benefit of populations at risk

  • Número de páginas: 17

  • Oscar Alberto Rojas Sanchez
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