Palavras-chave: VPN, Redes de computadores, redes sem fio, Wi-Fi, segurança de rede, vulnerabilidade.
Keywords: Computer networks, wireless networks, Wi-Fi, networks security, vulnerability, VPN.
Abstract: In this work are mentioned the many existent methods of encryption to Wi-Fi networks and their vulnerabilities, from where a case study were developed presenting some methods of breaking the security keys of these networks and an option for improving the user safety, preventing possible risks and threats to his privacy. The tools that were used for the case study are known as aircrack-ng, tcpdump, inSSIDer and OpenVPN, where all of them are free, easy to obtain and easy to use, without needing any advanced knowledge. Considering the large growth of Wi-Fi networks and the large increase in its use, both in residences and in large enterprises environments, the security of these networks drew much attention and became the focus of much concern and many studies. In an era where information is valuable, there must be a guarantee that the information that are on the network are secured, without the possibility of being stolen, modified, or any other threat to its safety that may result in something or someone damaged. There are many vulnerabilities in the Wi-Fi security protocols, since, being a wireless network that has the air as its transmission medium, it is exposed and has limitations for the matter of the security methods applied, that’s why it needs to be implemented with a new security method. The case study was conducted in the city of Porto Velho/RO (Brazil), where many Wi-Fi networks around the city were analyzed to verify which securities were being used and to explore their vulnerabilities. It was possible to see that the security of the analyzed networks were weak, then, the proposed implementation of this work is a way of improving the information security that transits over the network, ensuring user privacy.
- Fábio Hugo Souza Matos
- Geraldo de Magela Carvalho de Oliveira
- Marcelo José Peres Gomes da Silva
- Aírton Ribeiro dos Santos
- Fabrício Moraes de Almeida