Schistosomiasis mansoni in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, from 2007 to 2016: Temporal analysis and socioeconomic factors
Schistosomiasis mansoni in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, from 2007 to 2016: Temporal analysis and socioeconomic factors
Palavras-chave: Doenças Tropicais Negligenciadas, Epidemiologia, Esquistossomose, Tendência Temporal
Keywords: Neglected Tropical Diseases, Epidemiology, Schistosomiasis, Temporal trend
Abstract: Objective: Our aim is to carry out a temporal analysis of the percentage of positivity for schistosomiasis mansoni in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, from 2007 to 2016, highlighting the socioeconomic factors related to the positivity of schistosomiasis in Maranhão. Methodology: The indicators of the Control Program on Schistosomiasis were gathered and secondary data on Health Regions and their municipalitieswereanalyzed.The percentage of positivity of the examined population and the coverage of the program were calculated: number of people studied and examined, proportion of endemic/studied municipalities (%) and treatment coverage (%).For the analysis of the positivity trend of schistosomiasis cases over the period, annual percentage change (APC) was calculated. A trend analysis of schistosomiasis correlated with other intestinal parasitic diseases was also carried out.In order to analyze the relationship between the socioeconomic variables of the Health Districts and the positivity rates, the Spearman correlation test was performed. Results: In the period, 1,024,413 individuals were surveyed, with 899,672coproscopic exams performed. 34,806 people positive for S. mansoni were diagnosed, resulting in a positivity rate of 3.87, which was considered stable over the period.The Health Regions including the municipalities of Baixada Maranhense microregion presented the highest positivity rates. Garbage collection showed a weak correlation with the positivity rate of schistosomiasis. Conclusions: Through the data analyses, it was found out that the state showed a tendency towards stability in the positivity rate of schistosomiasis in the period. The microregion known as Baixada Maranhense constitutes an important hostspot of the disease in the state, due to biotic factors associated with precarious environmental conditions and low socioeconomic indicators of the population living in this region, collaborating for this scenario. Therefore, an integrated approach may be necessary for the effective control of the disease in the State.
- Renato Juvino de Aragão Mendes
- Alexandre Nava Fabri
- Aline de Jesus Lustosa Nogueira
- Halana Tereza Marques de Jesus Ambrósio
- Clícia Rosane Costa França Nino
- Mariana Teixeira Aguiar
- Selma Patrícia Diniz Cantanhede
- Adalberto Alves Pereira Filho