Salvador, bairros e a Independência da Bahia na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)
Salvador, bairros e a Independência da Bahia na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)
Palavras-chave: Ensino, Independência da Bahia, Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA).
Keywords: Teaching, Independence of Bahia, Youth and Adult Education (EJA).
Abstract: This work was based on the celebration of the bicentenary of the Independence of Bahia. Under the guidance of the Curricular Organizers of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), the theoretical concepts arising from the works of Paulo Freire and concepts exposed in the works of Esther Pillar Grossi, classes were organized aimed at relating the necessary knowledge with the theme of Independence of Bahia”. These classes took place at the Presídio Salvador prison unit of the Lemos de Brito Penitentiary, in a Formative Time I, stage II class. The result of these classes was the creation of a map of Salvador identifying the parks, avenues and neighborhoods. With emphasis on the neighborhoods covered by the caboclo statue. There were also activities about the order of magnitude of length and comparing words, identifying similarities and differences between the sounds of initial, middle and final syllables.