Rios de leito rochoso: dos processos à paisagem, e de volta
Rios de leito rochoso: dos processos à paisagem, e de volta
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0362308082
Palavras-chave: Geomorfologia fluvial; Erosão fluvial; Evolução da paisagem.
Keywords: Fluvial geomorphology; Fluvial erosion; Landscape evolution
Abstract: Bedrock rivers are important parts of landscape evolution, as they control the rates of lowering of base levels. Over the last decade, many studies have been carried out on this type of river and have expanded our knowledge of the erosive processes that operate in it. In addition, this knowledge has been incorporated into several models of river incision and its relationship with the evolution of the landscape, especially with the evolution of the longitudinal profiles. In this article, the main contributions on this topic are analyzed, to highlight the advances made in the last decade (2010-2021). The review focuses on the characterization of what a bedrock river is, on the abrasion and plucking processes, as well as discussing the integration of this knowledge with some incision models. In all topics, brief conceptualizations of foundations established in previous decades are articulated with recent advances and developments. A final analysis seeks to outline some research perspectives based on the identified gaps.
- Adalto Gonçalves Lima