Representação Mediática da Evolução Epidemiológica da Pandemia da COVID-19 em Angola (2020-2021)
Representação Mediática da Evolução Epidemiológica da Pandemia da COVID-19 em Angola (2020-2021)
Palavras-chave: Representação Mediática, Pandemia, SARS-CoV-2, Imprensa e Angola
Keywords: Media Representation, Pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, Press and Angola
Abstract: Using the content analysis of media news texts, this article examines the media representation of the epidemiological evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the actions developed by the Angolan government and its partners in the period from March 2020 to June 2021. This article reviews the media representations of the initial actions and events, whose purpose was to prevent and combat the pandemic at a time when the disease was unknown. Throughout the study, the procedures adopted by the Angolan government during the process of the geographical spread of the disease were also reviewed. The text recorded the media representations of the measures imposed by the government to prevent and combat the disease throughout the country. As a result, a restricted panorama of the media representation of the actions and measures taken by the Angolan Government and the main consequences of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the lives of Angolan citizens was obtained. This study resorted methodologically to a quantitative approach, as it used content analysis from a categorical perspective. Content analysis was the main approach technique. This technique enabled the systematisation of the themes addressed by the press. The collection and the clipping of the news texts analysed were done manually, from the websites of the newspapers analysed. The results demonstrate the existence of an approach of the facts in a linear way, since the analyzed newspapers in Angola, which are the Jornal de Angola and Jornal o País published, essentially, texts related to social, sports and political themes. The relevance of the analysis of the texts from Jornal de Negócios, of Portugal, was due to the fact that this newspaper published news on Angola related to the economic limitations imposed by COVID-19. In general, the analyzed newspapers published information related to the prevention and fight against the pandemic of COVID-19, in their pages, with suggestive titles and with an educational slant, giving the information a priority positioning (publication), almost always as a highlight on the front page.
- Gabriel Benguela