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Rede Bayesiana para Previsão de Evasão Escolar

Tendo em vista o problema de evasão

escolar, problema este que impacta instituições

de ensino do mundo inteiro, este artigo apresenta

a aplicação de Redes Bayesianas, com o

intuito de predizer os percentuais de chance de

evasão dos alunos, com o objetivo de auxiliar

os gestores educacionais na prevenção destes

tipos de situações. A predição é realizada com

base nas características dos alunos, coletadas

do sistema utilizado pelo SENAI de Tubarão/SC.

É possível ainda manipular tais características,

por parte do gestor, a fim de simular cenários com

o objetivo de minimizar as chances de o aluno

evadir. Através da validação dos resultados foi

obtido 85,6% de taxa de acerto, o que indica um

bom desempenho da rede bayesiana modelada

para o sistema desenvolvido.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Evasão escolar, modelo

preditivo, classificador bayesiano

ABSTRACT: Given the problem of school

evasion, a problem that affects educational

institutions around the world, this paper presents

the application of Bayesian networks to predict the

percentage chance of student evasion, in order

to assist educational managers in preventing

these types of situations. The prediction model

was built based on the characteristics of the

students, collected from the data base system

used by SENAI (Tubarão/SC). It is possible

to manipulate these characteristics, by the

manager, in order to simulate scenarios to

minimize the chances of the student evasion.

Through the validation of the results, we have

obtained 85.6% of accuracy, which indicates

a good performance of the Bayesian network

modeled for the system developed.


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Rede Bayesiana para Previsão de Evasão Escolar

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7461922043

  • Palavras-chave: Evasão escolar, modelo preditivo, classificador bayesiano

  • Keywords: School evasion, predictive model, bayesian classifier

  • Abstract:

    Given the problem of school

    evasion, a problem that affects educational

    institutions around the world, this paper presents

    the application of Bayesian networks to predict the

    percentage chance of student evasion, in order

    to assist educational managers in preventing

    these types of situations. The prediction model

    was built based on the characteristics of the

    students, collected from the data base system

    used by SENAI (Tubarão/SC). It is possible

    to manipulate these characteristics, by the

    manager, in order to simulate scenarios to

    minimize the chances of the student evasion.

    Through the validation of the results, we have

    obtained 85.6% of accuracy, which indicates

    a good performance of the Bayesian network

    modeled for the system developed.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Willian Silvano Maria
  • João Lucas Damiani
  • Max Roberto Pereira
  • Max Pereira
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