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Qualitative Epistemology and the Study of Subjectivity: Alternative Epistemological Paths in Qualitative Research


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Qualitative Epistemology and the Study of Subjectivity: Alternative Epistemological Paths in Qualitative Research

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.24519250625

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: Qualitative Epistemology; Subjectivity; Qualitative research; Psychology.

  • Abstract:

     In this study we present a critical

    reflection on the absence of the epistemological

    dimension in the qualitative researches in

    Psychology and the impact of what characterized

    the path of the scientific doing from the positivist

    philosophy until its arrival and permanence

    in the human sciences, taking into account

    its appropriation by the Psychology . After

    discussing some aspects of this trajectory, we

    present the Qualitative Epistemology proposed

    by González Rey, showing from the scene of his

    birth to its epistemological and methodological

    implications designed for the study of the

    subjectivity produced in the conditions of

    the cultural-historical context. Following are

    presented its three principles, with which it

    concomitantly discusses the advances of this

    proposal for the epistemological rescue in the

    qualitative research in Psychology. Finally,

    the heuristic value of this Epistemology for

    the production of the knowledge of complex

    phenomena in the scope of the research in

    Psychology is shown

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Thamiris Caixeta
  • Andressa Martins do Carmo Oliveira
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