Protótipo de Software Web de Apoio ao Controle Acesso ao Refeitório com Foco na Interface do Usuário
Protótipo de Software Web de Apoio ao Controle Acesso ao Refeitório com Foco na Interface do Usuário
Palavras-chave: Design de Interface, Usabilidade, Controle de acesso.
Keywords: Interface Design, Usability, Access Control.
Abstract: This work consists of the development of a functional prototype of a web software to support access control to the cafeteria of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas – Manaus East Zone Campus (IFAM-CMZL). The prototype is focused on the user interface, with the aim of facilitating use by administrators who will control access to students who attend and use the cafeteria. To understand the development of the prototype, the research focused on interface design and usability of the system. The method chosen was prototyping, as it facilitates the alteration of visual elements and correction of errors before launching the final product. Factors such as access control systems, human-computer interaction, and design were essential in this project. Through the development, it is expected to carry out the validation and presentation of the functional prototype to support the automated release in the cafeteria.
- Bruno Marques de Vasconcelos
- Fabiann Matthaus Dantas Barbosa
- Joethe Moraes de Carvalho
- Gabriel Pinheiro Compto