Projeto arte e vida de Van Gogh
Projeto arte e vida de Van Gogh
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.10823101026
Palavras-chave: práticas pedagógicas, ensino de artes, metodologias ativas, avaliação.
Keywords: pedagogical practices, art teaching, active methodologies, evaluation.
Abstract: The project "Van Gogh's Art and Life" was carried out at Escola Municipal das Acácias, a public school located at Camélias Street, Parque Primavera, Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, during the first semester of 2021. The project was coordinated by professor Fábio De Macedo, under the supervision of professor Elinete Nascimento, with eight undergraduate students from Pibid-Belas Artes 2020 from the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro with a CAPES scholarship. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic period that made face- to-face educational activities with students from 6th to 9th grade impossible, we used digital information and communication technologies. To do so, we searched the specialized literature to learn about Active Methodologies, Inverted Classroom, Hybrid Teaching, and Gamification, methodological possibilities and the use of non-face-to-face tools. In order to base the skills and competencies to be developed, we considered the normative frameworks in force, such as the Common National Curricular Base of 2018, the Pedagogical Plan of the Bachelor in Fine Arts course, and the Political Pedagogical Project of the school. The students were duly made aware to enroll through the Google form, which had synchronous classes through Google Meet and asynchronous ones through video classes posted in the Youtube channel created for the project and made available in the WhatsApp group and Google Classroom platform. Besides the video classes, quizzes, images, links, and texts were made available. The students' works were displayed in a virtual mural through Padlet. The students were evaluated through participation, forms, games, and the work received. We carried out diagnostic evaluations before the project, formative evaluations, and qualitative evaluations throughout the teaching-learning process mediated by debates in a horizontal pedagogical relationship. The experience proved to be an enriching challenge to the formation of all actors involved: researchers, teachers, undergraduates, students, and school board.
- Fabio Ricardo Reis De Macedo
- Elinete Antunes de Sá do Nascimento
- Alexandra Higino da Silva Pires
- Brenda Evelyn Figueira Lopes
- João Paulo de Lima Lourenço
- José Matheus Barbosa de Araujo
- Luiza Carolina das Chagas Pereira
- Rodolfo e Souza Pereira
- Thais Cordeiro Nunes
- Thayná Rodrigues Feital de Souza