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Thermoplastic food extrusion, questions, and answers – A simplified approach

During my professional activity, as a researcher in the food extrusion
field, I have served numerous external customers during more than 30 years
of activity in this area. Precisely to answer, with the main answers, the main
doubts of most of these customers, the idea of publishing this small treaty was
born, with the intention of clarifying as far as possible, in a simplified way, for
your better understanding. Most of these entrepreneurs have heard about the
extrusion process, and they want to produce some type of product, however,
when consulting the manufacturer, they find that there is a very large diversity of
equipment available on the market, many of them with high budgets. The question
then arises of defining which one would be the most appropriate, or even whether
it would be feasible to produce a particular product.
On the other hand, a certain agro-industrial producer realizes that he has
large volumes of by-products resulting from a particular manufacturer and that
he believes it would be interesting to add value through extrusion. Of course,
different by-products can be used, however, not all material is able to pass
through the extrusion system, or not everything that is available would be viable.
The characteristics of the raw materials to be processed can also direct
the type of equipment that must be considered, that is, an extruder can be very
useful for a certain product and without great effect for other types of materials.
This is related to the configuration of the extrusion system.
In this sense, the objective of this book is to try to answer, as far as
possible, in a simple way, to the entrepreneur, or to those interested in the
technique, the main doubts related to extrusion technology. It is hoped that, with
this reading, the reader has understood the different nuances presented, and the
ways to differentiate the equipment, parameters, and products, since extrusion
technology is one of the most versatile in the industrial production of food for both
human and animal consumption.

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Thermoplastic food extrusion, questions, and answers – A simplified approach

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.390221612

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Foods. I. Ascheri, José Luis Ramirez. II. Título.

  • Keywords: 1. Foods. I. Ascheri, José Luis Ramirez. II. Título.

  • Abstract:

    During my professional activity, as a researcher in the food extrusion
    field, I have served numerous external customers during more than 30 years
    of activity in this area. Precisely to answer, with the main answers, the main
    doubts of most of these customers, the idea of publishing this small treaty was
    born, with the intention of clarifying as far as possible, in a simplified way, for
    your better understanding. Most of these entrepreneurs have heard about the
    extrusion process, and they want to produce some type of product, however,
    when consulting the manufacturer, they find that there is a very large diversity of
    equipment available on the market, many of them with high budgets. The question
    then arises of defining which one would be the most appropriate, or even whether
    it would be feasible to produce a particular product.
    On the other hand, a certain agro-industrial producer realizes that he has
    large volumes of by-products resulting from a particular manufacturer and that
    he believes it would be interesting to add value through extrusion. Of course,
    different by-products can be used, however, not all material is able to pass
    through the extrusion system, or not everything that is available would be viable.
    The characteristics of the raw materials to be processed can also direct
    the type of equipment that must be considered, that is, an extruder can be very
    useful for a certain product and without great effect for other types of materials.
    This is related to the configuration of the extrusion system.
    In this sense, the objective of this book is to try to answer, as far as
    possible, in a simple way, to the entrepreneur, or to those interested in the
    technique, the main doubts related to extrusion technology. It is hoped that, with
    this reading, the reader has understood the different nuances presented, and the
    ways to differentiate the equipment, parameters, and products, since extrusion
    technology is one of the most versatile in the industrial production of food for both
    human and animal consumption.

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