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Potential for natural regeneration in ecological restoration areas in the Pampa: what does the soil seed bank tell us?


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Potential for natural regeneration in ecological restoration areas in the Pampa: what does the soil seed bank tell us?

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7362316083

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: indicator, nucleation, restorative techniques.

  • Abstract:

    The objective of the study was to evaluate the soil seed bank as a factor for understanding the
    natural regeneration potential of Pampa forest formations. We selected four study areas:
    planting in nuclei, passive restoration, commercial planting of eucalyptus, and reference area.
    The seed bank was collected from the soil with the aid of a wooden template (0.25 cm x 0.25
    cm) at a depth of 5 cm from the soil surface, and we carried out ten random collections per
    area. We conducted the shade-house study for twelve months and evaluated quarterly,
    counting and identifying the emerging seedlings. Kruskal-Wallis analysis (p<0.05) was used
    to compare the number of germinated seeds and dispersal syndrome between areas. We
    calculated the Shannon diversity index, Pielou’s evenness, and floristic similarity using the

    Jaccard index. In total, 1,922 seeds germinated, distributed in 65 botanical families and 10
    genera. The families with the highest species richness were Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and
    Asteraceae. There was a significant difference between the areas analyzed in the number of
    germinated seeds and in species richness. The herbaceous life form was predominant, as well
    as the abiotic dispersal syndrome. The areas under planting in nuclei and reference areas
    showed greater floristic similarity. The areas with application of restorative techniques,
    demonstrated typical shrub formation of primary succession. The soil seed bank has the
    potential for natural regeneration and is a good indicator of restoration for a study area.

  • Djoney Procknow
  • Ana Paula Moreira Rovedder
  • Bruna Balestrin Piaia
  • Betina Camargo
  • Maureen de Moraes Stefanello
  • Jéssica Puhl Croda
  • Jhonithan Matielo
  • Marcela Peuckert Kamphorst Leal da Silva
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