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capa do ebook Poluição por fumaça de biomassa interna. La Contaminación Intramuros del Humo de Biomasa. Intramural Pollution from Biomass Smoke

Poluição por fumaça de biomassa interna. La Contaminación Intramuros del Humo de Biomasa. Intramural Pollution from Biomass Smoke


The constant exposure to smoke particles from biofuels causes problems in the health of the world's population, stabbing respiratory infections such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with wood smoke, tobacco and others are the most harmful organic compounds inside homes, affecting children and the elderly who are the most vulnerable. The objective is to analyze the effects of the intramural contamination of biomass smoke through a systematic review of the current literature, in order to prevent this disease, consulting different scientific journals such as Revista Médica, Revista de Alimentación Contemporánea y Desarrollo Regional, Revista NCT, Research Gate, indexed in databases such as SciELO, Elsevier, Science Direct, using descriptors such as "Intramural Pollution", "Biomass Smoke", "Particulate Matter" elaborating the state of the art in its heuristic phases for the collection of manuscripts and hermeneutics for its analysis. The different authors consulted give certainty that we came to discover that there is a consistent epidemiological certainty that associates, in an autonomous way, the chronic inhalation of biofuel smoke with the growth of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is concluded that, within the framework of pulmonary parenchyma, biofuel smoke has different effects on the respiratory system.

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Poluição por fumaça de biomassa interna. La Contaminación Intramuros del Humo de Biomasa. Intramural Pollution from Biomass Smoke

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.99121211211

  • Palavras-chave: Intramural Contamination, Biomass Smoke, Particulate Matter

  • Keywords: Intramural Contamination, Biomass Smoke, Particulate Matter

  • Abstract:


    The constant exposure to smoke particles from biofuels causes problems in the health of the world's population, stabbing respiratory infections such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with wood smoke, tobacco and others are the most harmful organic compounds inside homes, affecting children and the elderly who are the most vulnerable. The objective is to analyze the effects of the intramural contamination of biomass smoke through a systematic review of the current literature, in order to prevent this disease, consulting different scientific journals such as Revista Médica, Revista de Alimentación Contemporánea y Desarrollo Regional, Revista NCT, Research Gate, indexed in databases such as SciELO, Elsevier, Science Direct, using descriptors such as "Intramural Pollution", "Biomass Smoke", "Particulate Matter" elaborating the state of the art in its heuristic phases for the collection of manuscripts and hermeneutics for its analysis. The different authors consulted give certainty that we came to discover that there is a consistent epidemiological certainty that associates, in an autonomous way, the chronic inhalation of biofuel smoke with the growth of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is concluded that, within the framework of pulmonary parenchyma, biofuel smoke has different effects on the respiratory system.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Demetrio Soto Carbajal
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