Política pública de democratización del estado provincial: ¿gobierno abierto o gobierno electrónico?: avances de la implementación del plan de modernización del estado en la provincia de Río Negro
Política pública de democratización del estado provincial: ¿gobierno abierto o gobierno electrónico?: avances de la implementación del plan de modernización del estado en la provincia de Río Negro
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.7002410056
Palavras-chave: Estado- Gobierno abierto - Gobierno Electronico- Modernizacion- Democratizacion
Keywords: State- Open Government - Electronic Government- Modernization- Democratization
Abstract: The objective of the research is to characterize the experiences associated with the electronic government paradigm that emerged in the provincial context, especially related to the collective construction of public policies. It is analyzed whether the process of modernization of the State emerged as partly uncoordinated government actions due to the absence of a common strategy or as government responses to a current climate based on the emergence of ICT in the public sphere. In Latin America, during the 1990s, a process of reforms to the State began in the face of the crisis of the Welfare State, with the objective of reconstruction. The objective of this transformation is to face the new challenges of the 21st century, including consolidating the democratic regime, that is, strengthening the relationship between the State and society, increasing citizen participation in the management of public policies, to achieve more efficiency and higher quality. The State Modernization Plan sanctioned in 2000, then marked the beginning of a National Electronic Government Plan.
- Susana Lopez
- Silvio Castro