Poética negativa: un estudio de las condiciones de negatividad de la obra de arte y su experiencia
Poética negativa: un estudio de las condiciones de negatividad de la obra de arte y su experiencia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3872404077
Palavras-chave: Poética, Poética negativa, Experiencia poética, Paradigma positivo, Episteme positiva
Keywords: Poetics, Negative poetics, Poetic experience, Positive paradigma, Positive episteme
Abstract: This article presents part of an ongoing theoretical exploration around the general idea of a negative poetics here understood as the study of the conditions of negativity of the work of art and its experience. It is developed in four sections. As a problematization, in the first I describe traditional poetics as an epistemic and historical construction linked to the positive paradigm of knowledge. In the second, conceptual principles of negative poetics are recovered based on authors such as Aristotle, Nietzsche, Blanchot and Rosa. In the third moment, examples of the contemporary project of positivity are shown. Finally, negative poetics is proposed as an aesthetic and political strategy that theoretically deactivates forms of positive domination and enables experience.
- Gabriel Barrón Pérez