Plano de Conservação do Uso do Entorno do Reservatório Artificial da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira Como os aspectos da biodiversidade foram considerados?
Plano de Conservação do Uso do Entorno do Reservatório Artificial da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira Como os aspectos da biodiversidade foram considerados?
Palavras-chave: Planejamento ambiental. Licenciamento ambiental. Lista de Verificação. Elaboração de Planos ambientais.
Keywords: Environmental planning. Environmental Licensing. Verification list. Elaboration of Environmental Plans.
Abstract: Objective: Check whether the aspects related to biodiversity are adequately met in the Conservation Plan for the Use of Reservoir Surroundings (PACUERA in portuguese) of the Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Facility, in order to contribute to the improvement of its quality. Method: PACUERA had its content analyzed in light of an adaptation of the “Selection list to analyze the inclusion of biodiversity in Environmental Impact Studies”, prepared by Mandai and Souza (2021). The categories “Environmental Diagnosis”, “Environmental Impacts”, “Environmental Impacts Compensation” and “Monitoring” were verified through environmental indicators. A grade from A to F was assigned to each indicator, as well as the final grade for PACUERA. Originality/Relevance: The research shows the importance of verifying whether aspects related to biodiversity are included in environmental planning, using a PACUERA as a case study. Results: Based on the analysis of the PACUERA components against the checklist, it was identified omissions of biotic information in the environmental diagnosis, lack of methodology for identifying and valuing impacts, environmental compensation measures without implementation schedules and environmental monitoring. Social/management contributions: It was found that quality of Environmental Impact Statements checklists can be applied to Environmental Plans, such as PACUERA, in order to improve their preparation and implementation.
- mirella sousa
- Denise Gallo Pizella