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capa do ebook Physiology and quality of 'Tahiti' acid lime coated with nanocellulose-based nanocomposites

Physiology and quality of 'Tahiti' acid lime coated with nanocellulose-based nanocomposites

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar

a resposta fisiológica e a qualidade da lima

ácida Tahiti revestida com nanocompósitos

de carboximetilcelulose (N-CMC), pectina

(N-PEC) e amido (N-ST) à base de nanocristais

de celulose. A taxa respiratória, produção

de etileno, perda de massa fresca, clorofila

total e firmeza dos frutos foram avaliadas

durante 9 dias de armazenamento. No final

do armazenamento, os frutos revestidos com

N-CMC e N-PEC apresentaram valores de

etileno significativamente menores (0,92 e

0,98 μg C2H4 kg-1 h-1, respectivamente) que os

frutos revestidos com CMC e PEC (1,6 e 2,02

μg C2H4 kg-1 h-1, respectivamente). No 3º dia

de armazenamento, os frutos revestidos com

N-PEC apresentaram taxa respiratória (12,01

mg CO2 kg-1 h-1) semelhante aos frutos controle

(13,52 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1), mas significativamente

menor que os frutos revestidos com PEC

(14,93 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1). Frutos revestidos

com N-PEC apresentaram perdas de massa

fresca significativamente menores que os

frutos controle. Frutos revestidos com N-PEC

apresentaram níveis de retenção de clorofila

(18,95 mg g-1) superiores aos frutos com PEC

(13,25 mg g-1). Este trabalho mostrou que o

nanocompósito N-PEC, à base de NC, foi o

revestimento que apresentou maior potencial

para preservar a qualidade da lima ácida ‘Tahiti’.

Ler mais

Physiology and quality of 'Tahiti' acid lime coated with nanocellulose-based nanocomposites

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.87619260422

  • Palavras-chave: respiração, etileno, perda de massa fresca, clorofila, firmeza.

  • Keywords: respiration, ethylene, fresh weight loss, chlorophyll, firmness.

  • Abstract:

    The aim of this study was to

    evaluate the physiological response and

    quality of the Tahiti acid lime coated with

    carboxymethylcellulose (N-CMC), pectin

    (N-PEC) and starch (N-ST) nanocomposites

    based on cellulose nanocrystals. Respiratory

    rate, ethylene production, loss of fresh weight,

    total chlorophyll and fruit firmness were evaluated

    during 9 days of storage. At the end of storage,

    only fruits coated with N-CMC and N-PEC

    exhibited significantly lower ethylene yield (0.92

    and 0.98 μg C2H4 kg-1 h-1, respectively) than

    A produção do Conhecimento nas Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais 4 Capítulo 22 248

    fruits coated with CMC and PEC (1.6 and 2.02 μg C2H4 kg-1 h-1, respectively). On the

    3rd day of storage, fruits coated with N-PEC showed a respiratory rate (12.01 mg CO2

    kg-1 h-1) similar to the fruits of the control (13.52 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1), but it was significantly

    lower than the fruits coated with PEC (14.93 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1). Only fruits coated with

    N-PEC showed significantly lower fresh weight losses than the control fruits. Fruits

    coated with N-PEC had chlorophyll retention levels (18.95 mg g-1) higher than fruits

    with PEC (13.25 mg g-1). This work showed that the N-PEC nanocomposite, based on

    NC, was the coating that showed greater potential for preserving quality of the ‘Tahiti’

    acid lime.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Alice Jacobus de Moraes
  • Daiane Luckmann Balbinotti de França
  • Wilson Pires Flauzino Neto
  • Gilberto Costa Braga
  • Jessica Cristina Urbanski Laureth
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