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A extensão universitária vem conquistando novos contornos, a partir do disposto na meta 12, estratégia 12.7 do Plano Nacional de Educação (BRASIL, 2014) sobre sua curricularização. Considerando-se esta normatização pretende-se enunciar as compreensões sobre extensão universitária expressas em artigos, teses e dissertações publicados no período entre 2010 a 2019. A metodologia de pesquisa do tipo estado da arte analisou um conjunto de 7 teses, 20 dissertações, 93 artigos localizados em diferentes bases de dados e nos Anais dos Congressos Brasileiros de Extensão. Os registros nas pesquisas revelam que as compreensões sobre extensão, são plurais e divergentes, evidenciando-se as concepções assistencialista, dialógica, emancipatória e crítica. A análise das produções, a discussão sobre os dispositivos legais sobre a curricularização da extensão e as compreensões a partir de Freire (1983); Reis (1986); Jezine (2001); Síveres (2013); Silva; Kochhann (2018), permitem inferir que as reflexões sobre a extensão universitária podem se intensificar com vistas à contribuir para o processo de curricularização não se reduza ao mero cumprimento de uma determinação legal.  

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3382113018

  • Palavras-chave: Extensão universitária. Pesquisa do tipo estado da arte. Curricularização da extensão.

  • Keywords: University extension, one of the pillars of the university University extension, one of the pillars of the university tripod with teaching and research, has been conquering new contours, based on the provision in goal 12, strategy 12.7 of the National Education Plan (BRASIL, 2014) on its curriculum. Considering this standardization, the following questions are raised: What understandings about university extension are expressed in articles, theses and dissertations published in the period from 2010 to 2019? It is intended then: to enunciate the understandings about university extension made explicit in theses, dissertations and articles, based on the provisions of strategy 12.7 - goal 12 in the National Education Plan on the curriculum of extension. The state-of-the-art research methodology is adopted, analyzing a set of 7 theses, 20 dissertations, 16 articles in different databases and 77 articles from the Annals of Brazilian Extension Congresses. The records in the researches reveal that the comprehension about extension, are diverse, being more frequent the critical, emancipatory and market understanding. with teaching and research, has been conquering new contours, based on the provision in goal 12, strategy 12.7 of the National Education Plan (BRASIL, 2014) on its curriculum. Considering this standardization, the following questions are raised: What understandings about university extension are expressed in articles, theses and dissertations published in the period from 2010 to 2019? It is intended then: to enunciate the understandings about university extension made explicit in theses, dissertations and articles, based on the provisions of strategy 12.7 - goal 12 in the National Education Plan on the curriculum of extension. The state-of-the-art research methodology is adopted, analyzing a set of 7 theses, 20 dissertations, 16 articles in different databases and 77 articles from the Annals of Brazilian Extension Congresses. The records in the researches reveal that the comprehension about extension, are diverse, being more frequent the critical, emancipatory and market understanding. extension. State-of-the-art research. Curriculum extension.

  • Abstract:

    The university extension has been conquering new contours, based on the provision in goal 12, strategy 12.7 of the National Education Plan (BRASIL, 2014) on its curriculum. Considering this standardization, it is intended to enunciate the understandings about university extension expressed in articles, theses and dissertations published in the period between 2010 to 2019. The state-of-the-art research methodology analyzed a set of 7 theses, 20 dissertations, 93 articles located in different databases and in the Annals of Brazilian Extension Congresses. The records in the researches reveal that the comprehension about extension, are plural and divergent, showing the assistentialist, dialogical, emancipatory and critical conceptions. The analysis of the productions, the discussion about the legal provisions on the curricularization of the extension and the understandings from Freire (1983); Reis (1986); Jezine (2001); Síveres (2013); Silva; Kochhann (2018), allow us to infer that the reflections on university extension can be intensified in order to contribute to the curricularization process is not reduced to the mere fulfillment of a legal determination.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Simone Regina Manosso Cartaxo
  • Denise Puglia Zanon
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