Artigo - Atena Editora


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A respiração é uma função vital para o ser humano e é estabelecida logo ao nascimento, sendo a respiração nasal o padrão fisiológico adequado por permitir o correto desenvolvimento craniofacial e a harmonia das funções orofaciais, enquanto a mista é considerada uma alteração caracterizada pela associação da respiração bucal e nasal, que pode ocorrer por obstrução nasal ou hábito. A falta de selamento labial é um fator que pode favorecer a respiração mista, pois impede a vedação adequada dos lábios e interfere na postura da língua e da mandíbula. Essa pesquisa verificou crianças a partir de um ano de idade, que apresentavam falta de selamento labial ao nascer na maternidade do Hospital Regional de Gurupi, no ano de 2022, mantiveram ou corrigiram essa postura labial com a respiração mista. Uma pesquisa de natureza quantitativa, transversal, por meio da observação das 20 crianças indicadas por apresentarem falta de selamento labial desde o nascimento, numa amostra total de 1.311 recém-nascidos da Maternidade do Hospital Regional de Gurupi. Com uma entrevista às mães para verificar os fatores associados à persistência ou correção dessa postura, considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Com este estudo, verificou-se que as crianças com falta de selamento labial desde o nascimento, persistiram com este hábito e não conseguiram adequar a postura de respiração nasal ao longo do primeiro ano de vida, permanecendo com respiração mista
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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Respiração bucal. Saúde infantil. Odontopediatria.

  • Keywords: Mouthbreathing. Childhealth. Pediatricdentistry.

  • Abstract: The ability to breath is essential for humans. However, some children develop an inadequate breathing pattern, characterized by a combination of mouth and nose breathing (mixed), which may be caused by postural habits or nasal obstructions. This pattern can have serious consequences for the child's health, impacting their quality of life. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a device with an elastic adhesive bandage (Tape), to assist children with mixed breathing due to habit, in adapting lip sealing and promoting nasal breathing in children aged 0 to 36 months. An experimental, randomized and controlled study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a clinical device. Of the 637 children enrolled in CEMEIs in Gurupi-TO, 249 of whom were diagnosed with lack of lip sealing, only 38 children participated in the sample. They were divided into groups A and B: Group A (control): the children (20) had a lack of lip seal since birth and were only breastfed between the ages of 0 and 36 months; Group B (experimental): the mothers applied facial massages daily and used the device for 15 days, and all children (18) were monitored via photos and videos. The result showed that after the intervention, 66.7% of group B presented nocturnal lip seal and 77.8% during the day, in contrast to 90% of lack of seal in group A. In the analysis of the variables associated with the lack of lip seal, both during the day and at night, in relation to the use of the “Tape” type device, a statistically significant association was observed between these variables (p<0.001). It was concluded that Tape is an effective, non-invasive intervention, and managed to improve nasal breathing. The involvement of those responsible was crucial, highlighting the role of family support in children's therapies.

  • Eduarda de Melo Gonçalves Costa
  • Mariana Pimenta Dias
  • Silvia Longatt
  • Thaysa Luany Pacheco de Oliveira
  • Sthefane Simão de Souza
  • Joana Estela Resende Viela
  • Wataro Nelson Ogawa
  • Rise Consolação Iuata Costa Rank
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