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Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de maltrato en los servicios de salud, a partir de las personas mayores y personal de salud, para identificar barreras y proponer alternativas de solución en la mejor atención a las personas mayores maltratadas. Métodos: con datos del 2009 se realizó un estudio con metodología cualitativa, en una clínica de atención primaria en el municipio de Cuernavaca, estado de Morelos. Se realizaron 12 entrevistas semi- estructuradas a personas mayores y 16 a médicos y enfermeras de consulta externa. Resultados: La percepción del personal de salud y las personas mayores indica el maltrato tanto en los servicios de salud como en la familia, por falta de empatía, sensibilidad, comprensión y respeto. El personal de salud indica la problemática para atender las personas mayores debido a los problemas familiares y la mayor demanda de los servicios de salud. Las personas mayores señalan la imposibilidad de contar con su familia y los problemas por los que atraviesan los servicios de salud. Conclusión: es importante la concientización y capacitación del personal de salud, para brindar atención centrada en las necesidades de las personas mayores, así como empoderar a las personas mayores sobre sus derechos y concientizar a la sociedad sobre la importancia y necesidades de las personas mayores.
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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5562319108

  • Palavras-chave: Persona Mayor, Personal De Salud, Maltrato Familiar, Maltrato Institucional, Violencia.

  • Keywords: Elderly Individual, Healthcare Personnel, Family Mistreatment, Institutional Mistreatment, Violence.

  • Abstract: The aim of this analysis is to examine the perception of mistreatment within healthcare services, focusing on the elderly population and healthcare personnel. The primary objective is to identify barriers that hinder optimal care for elderly individuals who have experienced mistreatment and to propose alternative solutions to address this issue. Methodologically, utilizing data from 2009, a qualitative approach was employed to conduct a study at a primary care clinic located in the municipality of Cuernavaca, within the state of Morelos. Within this framework, a total of 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted with elderly individuals, alongside 16 interviews with medical professionals and nurses practicing in the outpatient setting. The findings revealed that both healthcare personnel and the elderly perceive the existence of mistreatment, both within the realm of healthcare services and within the family environment. The root of this issue appears to stem from a lack of empathy, sensitivity, understanding, and respect. Health professionals expressed challenges in providing care to the elderly population due to familial tensions and the increasing demand for medical services. On the other hand, the elderly participants noted the absence of familial support and emphasized the difficulties they encounter in accessing healthcare services. In conclusion, the importance of sensitizing and training healthcare personnel to offer an approach to care that addresses the specific needs of the elderly is underscored. Furthermore, advocating for the empowerment of this demographic in terms of their rights, while simultaneously raising awareness within society regarding the significance of tending to the unique needs of the elderly, is emphasized.

  • Ruelas González Maria Guadalupe
  • Vargas Santillan Ma. De Lourdes
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