Percepção e manejo do erro de medicação: Uma revisão integrativa
Percepção e manejo do erro de medicação: Uma revisão integrativa
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.03723031111
Palavras-chave: Cuidados de Enfermagem. Erros de medicação. Condutas do tratamento medicamentoso.
Keywords: Nursing Care. Medication error. Conduct in drug treatment.
Abstract: Summary: Objective: To describe the perception and management of medication errors in the literature. Method: This is an integrative review (IR), changing the determination of productions on the topic of the use of health education in the context of medication errors, between the years 2004 and 2014. Results: Eight studies were found on the theme Perception and management of medication errors. To improve medication administration processes, nurses and pharmacists must report problems related to medication errors. Normally, teams made up of these professionals support the reporting of medication errors, however, they end up not reporting them, due to the inherent fear of retaliation, punitive actions and humiliation in the professional environment when suggesting failure in the administration process or drug preparation. Building a non-punitive culture in the workplace is a way to increase error notifications and thus work with the team. Conclusion: This integrative review aimed to characterize the actions carried out by the nursing team to prevent adverse events related to medication errors in the hospital setting.
- Thiago Hessel
- Suzana Grings de Oliveira da Silva
- Yanka Eslabão Garcia
- Ana Maria Vieira Lorenzzoni
- Carla Patrícia Michelotti Pereira
- Maryana Schwartzhaupt de Matos
- Bibiana Fernandes trevisan
- Vanessa Belo Reyes
- Marina Araújo da Cruz Moraes
- Ana Paula Wunder Fernandes
- Mariana de Oliveira Cardoso