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Pantanal Araguaiano

Descreve por imagens de satélite o Pantanal do Rio Araguaia no estado do Mato Grosso e a situação sazonal da ocorrencia de queimadas.

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Pantanal Araguaiano

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.85421141216

  • Palavras-chave: sensoriamento remoto, áreas úmidas, Araguaia.

  • Keywords: remote sensing, wetlands, Araguaia

  • Abstract:

    The Araguaia River runs through a wide swamp area within the domain of Bananal Island along the borders of Mato Grosso, Goiás and Tocantins states in Brazilian Midwest Region. The tectonic structure that supports such feature hardly resembles an aulacogen that was generated probably by a system of faults known locally as Tocantins-Araguaia fracture zone that is part of a country wide faulting zone named Trans-Braziliano Lineament .It can be drawn from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul to the Southern edge of Para State until the margin of Atlantic Ocean in the coast of Ceara. Analysis and visualization of the large Araguaiano Swamp is presented in this article based on WFI-CBERS and TERRA-MODIS images that are proving to allow regional approaches of very wide territories. Partial results demonstrate the deep aptitude of those images for applications in Geology and Geomorphology. Results are also indicating that Araguaiano Swamp can be the largest single swamp area in Brazil. Larger than those individual swamps like Paiaguah, Poconeh, Cahceres and so on that comprises the known Pantanal Matogrossense. Seasonal imagery and preliminary rectified measurements are presented. Temporal images also allow to map scars of burning and surface waters both for dry and wet seasons.

  • Número de páginas: 9

  • Valdete Duarte
  • Egidio Arai
  • Luaê Andere
  • Paulo Roberto Martini
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