Os reflexos da capacitação fora das grades: a ressocialização dos ex-detentos do complexo penitenciário de São Pedro de Alcântara (SC- Brasil)
Os reflexos da capacitação fora das grades: a ressocialização dos ex-detentos do complexo penitenciário de São Pedro de Alcântara (SC- Brasil)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.69724020410
Palavras-chave: Capacitação, Ressocialização, Penitenciária, Ex-detentos, Sociedade.
Keywords: Qualification, Resocialization, Penitentiary, Ex-prisoners, Society.
Abstract: In this article, the reflections of the qualification in the resocialization of ex- prisoners from the Penitentiary of São Pedro de Alcantara (SC, Brazil) are analyzed. The activity of qualification in this prison unit is reported, ways of resocialization are described and the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship qualification-resocialization are pointed out. This case study of a qualitative approach involved a manager and twenty former prisoners already released. In addition to secondary documents and direct observation, semistructured interviews were conducted by telephone, whose data were recorded; transcribed and analyzed is a categorical way. The fear of the ex-prisoners in participating in the study can be considered a limitation for it. The data revealed that the most relevant qualification programs potentialize the independence of the ex-prisoners and increase their professional self-esteem. However, cannot handle to meet financial concerns, lack of family support due to the practice of some crimes and the difficulty both in acceptance and in being provided with work opportunity by society.
- André L. Cordeiro Laurentino
- Kellen da Silva Coelho
- Amarildo F. Kanitz
- Helen Silva Gonçalves