Os Entraves da Inclusão no Brasil
Os Entraves da Inclusão no Brasil
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3772407086
Palavras-chave: Inclusão Escolar. Dificuldades. Aluno com deficiência
Keywords: School inclusion. Difficulties. Student with Disabilities.Deficiência.
Abstract: This article aims to raise a comprehensive reflection regarding the school inclusion of people with disabilities. Using legal support to summarize the processes experienced by people with disabilities until reaching the inclusion currently in force in the country. In this way, it consists of the results of bibliographical research on the laws that support the so-called inclusive education system, as well documents that describe the different concepts of disability throughout history. The work addresses the explanation of issues such as difficulties in the physical and pedagogical structure of teaching units, necessary special educational. Teaching modalities in which students with disabilities must be included, necessary adaptations in the structure and curriculum to promote equal education and participation of all students involved in the process, legal support and vision of parents and educators who serve the public to which the work refers.
- Maria Carolina Damasceno