Os Efeitos da Subida de Preço de Combustível sobre as PMEs da Cidade de Nampula – Um estudo analítico (2022)
Os Efeitos da Subida de Preço de Combustível sobre as PMEs da Cidade de Nampula – Um estudo analítico (2022)
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7982316116
Palavras-chave: Combustível, Preço de Combustível, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME’s)
Keywords: Fuel, Fuel Price, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s)
Abstract: Fuel is a widely used resource in Mozambique, with the lack of it, many activities, especially commercial ones, will come to a standstill. The increase in the price of fuel announced in March this year also means there is an increase in the prices of goods and services in the country, affecting the entire Mozambican population including companies, since most of it is dependent on transport, mainly motor vehicles. This essay is about the effects of rising fuel prices on SMEs in the city of Nampula. It aims to address the effects of rising fuel prices on SMEs, focusing on the province of Nampula. However, to achieve this objective, the essay will use the bibliographic research method. However, it can be concluded that Mozambique, being a country dependent on oil and fuel, suffers constant economic fluctuations, and changes in fuel prices in the city of Nampula are causing a wave of strikes, price speculation and sabotage of people transport activities. and goods.
- Zaida Mario Mujala
- Hezea Alberto Certo Murrucula
- Inocência Fernando Manejo