Artigo - Atena Editora


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capa do ebook Organizational unlearning and human opportunity in the path of resilience

Organizational unlearning and human opportunity in the path of resilience

With the intention of calling attention

to a reflection about the organizations providing

processes of organizational unlearning through

the human opportunity to remain resilient,

this theoretical essay expounds, sedimenting

its theoretical foundation, on the findings of

Leonardi (2013), Jones (2014), Annarelli and

Nonino (2016) and Chia (2017). The analysis

of the concept and role of organizational

unlearning, organizational resilience and its

relation to adaptation, non-arbitrary relationship

in sociomaterial practices and unlearning

and resilience as proactive anticipation and

environmental perception are expressed in the

intention of a relationship between organizational

unlearning and organizational resilience as a

path of sociomaterial practices that enables

the creation of agile, dynamic and prosperous

organizations, facilitating the understanding

of these themes in order to make easier the

understanding of the different perspectives

brought in the literature.

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Organizational unlearning and human opportunity in the path of resilience

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.94419260419

  • Palavras-chave: organizational unlearning, organizational resilience, sociomaterial practices.

  • Keywords: Atena

  • Abstract:


  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Anderson Sanita
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