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On Player Motivation and the Appeal of Games: An Exploration of Player Motivation


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On Player Motivation and the Appeal of Games: An Exploration of Player Motivation

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7591925019

  • Palavras-chave: ATENA

  • Keywords: Magic Circle, Flow, PENS Theory.

  • Abstract:

    The creation of games and

    good reception by the public, either through

    commercial success, good critics or just to

    cause enjoyment on players. Rarely such a feat

    is accomplished casually; the iteration of the

    prototyping and testing stages in the development

    of a game generates the core around which

    every aspect of the game design stage will

    revolve. The concepts regarding the feeling of

    fun and immersion may help the development

    of new and captivating experiences in games.

    In this paper some of the current theories will

    be explored, focusing on the theories of Flow,

    the Magic Circle and the PENS theory among

    others which address player motivation and the

    creation of compelling games.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Ricardo César Ribeiro dos Santos
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