O cuidado com idosos acamados
é considerado um dever da família, embora
esta, por vezes, não apresente a adequada
preparação, conhecimento ou suporte para
desempenhar este papel. Este almejou promover
a capacitação de cuidadores familiares da área
de abrangência de uma Unidade de Saúde do
Município de Divinópolis. Foram realizadas
25 visitas domiciliares com aplicação de dois
questionários: um direcionado ao acamado, e
um para o seu cuidador, com questões sobre
as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos cuidadores e
questões socioeconômicas e sociodemográficas
da família. Estas informações, após análise,
subsidiaram a elaboração do conteúdo das
oficinas, com os seguintes temas: Cuidar e
Ser Cuidado, Direito dos Idosos, Primeiros
Socorros, Cuidados Básicos, Oficina do Sono
e Os Benefícios da Atividade Física. Das 25
visitas realizadas, onze famílias participaram
das oficinas e assinaram termo de adesão e
consentimento. Esta ação foi realizada com
periodicidade semanal e duração de uma hora,
na própria unidade de saúde, no período dos
meses de setembro a novembro de 2017. O
formato das oficinas foi elaborado com uma
proposta pedagógica estratégica e inovadora,
onde os cuidadores foram sensibilizados para o
autocuidado com uma aprendizagem dialógica
e significativa entre os participantes. Visto os
bons resultados, a aceitação e boa recepção dos
participantes, esta estratégia foi disponibilizada
juntamente com todo o material e metodologia
de trabalho às unidades de saúde da região,
caso estas queiram replicar as ações realizadas
em sua área de abrangência.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.78419240415
Palavras-chave: Cuidado., Educação em Saúde., Fisioterapia
Keywords: Care, Health Education, Physical Therapy.
The care of bedridden elderly
is considered a duty of the family, although
this sometimes does not show the proper
preparation, knowledge or support to perform
this role. This craved promote the training of
family caregivers of the coverage area of a
Health Unit of the Municipality of Divinópolis.
There were 25 home visits with application of two
questionnaires: one directed to the bedridden,
and one for your caregiver with questions
about the difficulties faced by caregivers and
socioeconomic and demographic issues of
the family. This information, after analysis,
supported the elaboration of the content of the
workshops, with the following themes: Care and Be Careful, Law Seniors, First Aid,
Basic Care, Sleep Workshop and The Benefits of Physical Activity. Of the 25 visits,
Eleven families participated in the workshops and signed a membership and consent.
This action was carried out on a weekly basis and last one hour at the health unit, during
the months from September to November 2017. The workshops format was developed
with a strategic and innovative pedagogical approach, where the caregivers were
aware of with a reciprocal self-care and significant learning among the participants.
Seen the good results, the acceptance and good reception of the participants, this
strategy was provided with all the material and working methodology to health facilities
in the area, if they want to replicate the actions performed in their area. This action was
carried out on a weekly basis and last one hour at the health unit, during the months
from September to November 2017. The workshops format was developed with a
strategic and innovative pedagogical approach, where the caregivers were aware of
with a reciprocal self-care and significant learning among the participants. Seen the
good results, the acceptance and good reception of the participants, this strategy was
provided with all the material and working methodology to health facilities in the area, if
they want to replicate the actions performed in their area. This action was carried out on
a weekly basis and last one hour at the health unit, during the months from September to
November 2017. The workshops format was developed with a strategic and innovative
pedagogical approach, where the caregivers were aware
of with a reciprocal self-care
and significant learning among the participants. Seen the good results, the acceptance
and good reception of the participants, this strategy was provided with all the material
and working methodology to health facilities in the area, if they want to replicate the
actions performed in their area. where caregivers were sensitized for self-care with
a reciprocal and meaningful learning among the participants. Seen the good results,
the acceptance and good reception of the participants, this strategy was provided with
all the material and working methodology to health facilities in the area, if they want
to replicate the actions performed in their area. where caregivers were sensitized for
self-care with a reciprocal and meaningful learning among the participants. Seen the
good results, the acceptance and good reception of the participants, this strategy was
provided with all the material and working methodology to health facilities in the area,
if they want to replicate the actions performed in their area.
Número de páginas: 15
- Fernanda Maria Francischetto da Rocha Amaral