O SISTEMA SESMARIAL: a herança das concessões de sesmarias nos Registros de Terras do Presídio (1855-1856)
O SISTEMA SESMARIAL: a herança das concessões de sesmarias nos Registros de Terras do Presídio (1855-1856)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.339132410122
Palavras-chave: Sistema Sesmarial. Lei de Terras de 1850. Presídio.
Keywords: Sesmarial System. Land Law of 1850. Presídio.
Abstract: The Land Law of 1850, embodied by Decree No. 1,318, of January 30, 1854, brought a political-administrative model of transition in the face of access and title to rural domains, being a legal system based on converting land ownership as a legitimate matter, making it an official title of occupation by private individuals. This legal apparatus produced direct consequences in a category that brought together large landowners, who confused the limits of their properties with the Nationals Themselves. That said, this historical study aims to identify the sesmeiros who still preserved their agrarian properties, from their receipt until the Land Law of 1850. To identify the vestiges of this sesmarial system, which prevailed until the first decades of the nineteenth century, 506 land records of São João Baptista do Presídio, from the years 1855-1856, were investigated. Within this perspective, it is possible to observe the dismemberment of these large farms, thus emerging new landowners and small farmers, perpetuating a political-economic model that offered land privileges to a select group of individuals.
- Igor