O Sistema Penitenciário Feminino Gaúcho: Uma análise sobre os pilares do tratamento penal e a educação como base no processo de ressocialização
O Sistema Penitenciário Feminino Gaúcho: Uma análise sobre os pilares do tratamento penal e a educação como base no processo de ressocialização
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.7702427126
Palavras-chave: Tratamento penal. Educação. Remição. Ressocialização. Mulheres privadas de liberdade.
Keywords: Criminal treatment. Education. Redemption. Resocialization. Women deprived of liberty.
Abstract: This article addresses the premise of the gaúcho prison system and the guidelines that guide criminal treatment, with a specific focus on educational practices developed in women's prison units in Rio Grande do Sul. The study analyzes the importance of education as an essential pillar in the process of resocialization of women deprived of liberty, considering the characteristics of this population and the bases of criminal treatment adopted in the state. The research investigates criminal treatment policies with an emphasis on educational practices in female prisons managed by the Superintendency of Penitentiary Services (SUSEPE), a body linked to the Secretariat of Penal and Socio-Educational Systems (SSPS). The article highlights that, among the main objectives of state penitentiary policy, is the social reintegration of people deprived of liberty. To this end, priorities are established such as individualizing the execution of the sentence, increasing education levels, promoting professional education and generating job opportunities, especially paid work, in the prison environment. The study also highlights the evolution of formal and complementary educational practices in female prison units, with an emphasis on actions aimed at promoting reading and culture. Such practices are presented as essential tools for the resocialization process, especially in contexts of deprivation of liberty, where access to education and culture is a fundamental right. In the end, the article demonstrates how these educational practices have contributed to the remission of sentences, through social and cultural actions that promote human dignity and social inclusion of women prisoners. A quantification of the number of women benefiting from these initiatives is also presented, reinforcing the importance of education in transforming the penal system and guaranteeing the rights of women in prison.
- Roscielen Moreira de Morais
- Narielen Moreira de Morais
- Tatiane e Silva
- Rejane da Silva Silveira
- Wendel Jornada da SIlva