O que é a Pedagogia Jornalística?
O que é a Pedagogia Jornalística?
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3982523013
Palavras-chave: Pedagogia jornalística. Técnicas. Comunicação. Mídia. Jornalismo.
Keywords: Journalistic pedagogy. Techniques. Communication. Media. Journalism.
Abstract: In the current scenario, the structure and practice of a pedagogical discourse made by Brazilian journalism – especially television – is increasingly evident. This structure and practice that I mention is directly linked to the scope of the use of Journalistic Pedagogy. In this sense, this pedagogy educates and miseducates, almost at the same time, the Brazilian citizen. This also causes mass misinformation in Brazilian society, to the extent that the pedagogical-journalistic discourse fragments the information transmitted/reported or distorts its meaning, making it impossible for the viewer, reader, listener, etc. to form knowledge. Journalistic pedagogy is a form of communication used by digital media and has a highly educational and non-educational nature at the same time. Furthermore, it is constituted by pedagogical intentionality, pragmatism and techniques. However, journalistic pedagogy should not be confused with the pedagogy of journalism. In this sense, journalism pedagogy is that which is linked to the methodologies, authors and techniques employed during the training of journalists. To avoid any doubt, journalistic pedagogy, in the understanding of the author of this article, is a sociological, educational and cultural reading in an attempt to understand the communication used by digital media and its impacts on the behavior of citizens in society. In short, an in-depth study and specific situations in which journalistic pedagogy is used can greatly contribute to the understanding of this topic. Evidencing that this form of communication exists based on a theoretical study is an important initiative that can allow for a more specific understanding of the social and educational impact of media on Brazilian citizens.
- Vanderlei Souto dos Santos