O fechamento do Arquivo Lukács em Budapeste e a Destruição da Razão
O fechamento do Arquivo Lukács em Budapeste e a Destruição da Razão
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0202314113
Palavras-chave: irracionalismo, Lukács, marxismo, racionalismo, dialética
Keywords: irrationalism, Lukács, Marxism, rationalism, dialectics
Abstract: In light of the recent closure of the Lukács Archive in Budapest, we aim to delve into the philosophical insights of the Hungarian thinker as outlined in his work "The Destruction of Reason," specifically focusing on his controversial thesis concerning 'philosophical irrationalism.' To achieve this, we will structure our exploration into three concise sections:i - Initially, we will provide an overview of the book "The Destruction of Reason," discussing its structure and the controversies surrounding it. ii - Next, we will create a conceptual framework to elucidate the notion of 'philosophical irrationalism' as articulated by Lukács in the second part of his book. Additionally, we will explore how this irrationalism is counterbalanced by a dialectical rationalism. iii - Finally, we will present Lukács' unique perspective on philosophy itself and briefly compare his diagnosis with critical viewpoints from other philosophers.