O documento como disparador de afetos: processos performativos a partir do real
O documento como disparador de afetos: processos performativos a partir do real
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.5722515015
Palavras-chave: performatividade, documentos, autoficção, processos pedagógicos
Keywords: performativity, documents, autofiction, pedagogical process
Abstract: This text search to investigate the diferente performativities carried out from documents, memories, testimonies and real facts, seeking to perceive, question and oppose these real documents in order to discover new epistemes, ethical and aesthetic refletions that can help the ways of perceiving the real.The theoretical analysis seeks to presente a reflection between documentary theater, autofiction, biodrama, decolonial studies and performativity in dialogue with the practice in the contemporary scene. This text also search to explain the performances of the students, in the discipline taught by me called “Documents as a trigger of affections: an artistic-pedagogical experience from the real”, relating theory and practice in the scene.
- Andrea Stelzer