Monitoramento do desmatamento no bioma amazônico com o Satélite Amazonia-1
Monitoramento do desmatamento no bioma amazônico com o Satélite Amazonia-1
Palavras-chave: Monitoramento, Desmatamento, Satélite e Amazônia
Keywords: Monitoring, Deforestation, Satellite and Amazon
Abstract: Deforestation in the Amazon primary forest is a concern of national and international community. Several methodologies have been developed to accurately and quickly identify deforestation sites. In this work, the methodology developed was based on geotechnology, using ArcGIS Pro software tools, which processes images from the Amazonia-1 satellite. These images are orthorectified, have 4 spectral bands, high temporal resolution and cover large areas. In this way, they have favorable characteristics for identify deforestation polygons in almost real time, allowing the competent authorities to act quickly in the fight against deforestation.
- Rafael Vilela de Andrade
- Leonardo Auge Levyman1