Modelos para evaluar la actividad antioxidante en plantas
Modelos para evaluar la actividad antioxidante en plantas
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.31923110815
Palavras-chave: DPPH, FRAP, Peróxido
Keywords: DPPH, FRAP, Peroxide
Abstract: Antioxidants are compounds capable of protecting biological systems from oxidative damage; In the study of medicinal plants, there are various models to measure their antioxidant activity, generally classified into in vitro and in vivo methods; Three of the main methods for evaluating antioxidant activity in vitro are reviewed in this chapter: DPPH radical neutralization, hydrogen peroxide reduction, and ferric ion reduction. These methods are complementary in that they study different mechanisms of action of natural products and serve to evaluate the antioxidant activity of plants and other foods for human and animal consumption.
- Rafael Manuel de Jesús Mex Alvarez
- María Magali Guillen-Morales
- Patricia Margarita Gama-Quen
- David Yanez-Nava
- José Luis Kantún-Haas
- Roger Enrique Chan-Martínez
- Kevin Ariel Contreras-Dzul
- Edwin Román Chulín-Canul